I made this cutie for a good friend.
She already received it and loved it.
The image is from Saturated Canary.
I used Crystal Effects, Glue Glaze on her tongue which gives it a shine.
I don't know if you can tell from the photo.
I wanted her fun and bright, for a silly digi.
I am entering this in the following challenges:
Treasured Times Rubber Stamps Challenge - http://treasuredtimesrubberstampschallenges.blogspot.com/ - Anything Goes
Pumpkin Spice Blog
-http://pumpkinspiceblog.blogspot.co.uk/ - Anything Goes
Just Us Girls Challenge -
http://justusgirlschallenge.blogspot.com/ - Color Challenge - All the colors are in her clothes
We Do Doobadoo -
http://wedodoobadoo.blogspot.co.uk/ - Spotty and Dotty - dots in the paper, dot and spots in her headband and leggings